United Airlines says flight attendant in Terrell Davis incident is no longer employed and NFL legend’s ‘no fly’ ban is lifted
Denver Airport Trains
Non rev for friends
Question for flight attendants who take adderall and travel internationally?
Thoughts about the AFA🌐 and the email that just went out today
🔺 New Uniforms 🚩
Flight left without us.
This is what sucks about this job
FA shoes
Posted by a friend on another platform
Gentle reminder
All you want to know about Skywest Training
OMG new first class is awful
Are you a flight attendant dealing with housing/food insecurity?
Is working for SkyWest worth it?
Flight attendant got in my face
Deciding which reserve to be on.
Parking for Detroit Airport
Cancellation fees almost cost of airfare
Told I can’t take adderall as an FA
Bumped for paying low price
What’s your best response to a passenger demanding you to put their bags in the overhead bins?
Where to watch the eclipse from? And other things to do on eclipse weekend?