What font is this?
I’m a disabled full-time student at a private college who is likely to fail a course that prevents me from moving to the next semester. What happens to my OSAP?
Behold, my stuff.....
1975 280z Restoration — Help!
Anyone know this font?
I found this in a game called FragPunk and I swear I saw this exact font in several other places but I can't put my finger on it. This was the "match found" countdown number font. Does anyone have any ideas?
Seeking advice/personal experiences
I'm worried about belonging here
Having to "try to network" is a rigged game.
What would you say is the most important Pump It Up game?
What Font is Fantastic Four Numbers?
Autistic = cringe
Key fobs for cars are the worst invention of our time
"It's not that loud"
I just lost a friend of 5 years because of their girlfriend
Got banned
I didn't get banned, but...
I was banned from r/aromantic today for something I said in this sub a week ago what a joke lmao
They forgot to put sugar in my coffee... But guys, guess what, they fixed it when I asked. Ik this may seem crazy to some of you but it really works!
Anyone know the make/model of this guitar?