Anyone use Get-Gigs? If so what is your experience? Good/bad? Worth it? BTW, this is not the same as GetGigs or GigSmart.
Back for an early dinner...female pileated woodpecker
I've never seen this in my life, what is it?
Over 250,000 Americans Urge Congress to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against President Trump - Free Speech For People
My SIL's Stairs in The Netherlands
Red Shouldered Hawk
Election Truth Alliance claims to have found evidence that two different brands of vote tabulation machines were manipulated; 70% used of voting machines used in the country.
Our under deck greenhouse....some progress pics...and now it's done!
Who will play Trump in the inevitable movie?
CMV: If you accidentally hurt someone or kill someone, you are still guilty and should be punished.
Will the economic boycott have any positive effect?
I need help telling my closest friend that I saw his boyfriend on a dating app
I’m going to Miami for a trade association conference (I’m one of the organizers). I’m also a lowkey lesbian who presents femme but secretly has jaw-dropping body hair. I’m going to be poolside with my coworkers at least once. Is it unprofessional not to shave? I’m particularly attached to my pits.
How do I quit a band I started?
What happened to straightforward fact based news and media and why has it all been replaced with people telling us what to think?
What's your theory that you can't prove, but that you think might hold up if someone were to do some real, legitimate research on it?
Bring ghost hunting shows back to TV!!
What will Americans do if Social Security is reduced or done away with?
Why do horses just let us ride on their backs? Are they stupid?
So, are the Mods just straight up pro fascism now?
MAGA mom on DOGE. She went from "Chill out" to "Save my daughter, Elon and DJT" in 3 days.
Through A Dirty Window, A Picture Of A Male Pileated Woodpecker Who Comes For His Daily Lunch
why hasnt elon musk been arrested yet?