New Warframe,Temple,confirmed to be non-binary.
It's 2025. Rhino Heirloom is releasing Feb 6. And Roar is not recastable.
Why is part of my game in chinese
Would be cool to see a more dark and grim take on NFS someday...
Moon Knight is by far the most annoying DPS, he by and large relies on an absurd gimmick with ridiculous burst damage, ridiculous ult charge rate, and a ridiculous uncounterable ult
Is your kid happy about their first black border? You should be concerned.
do you think chillet vould be a carnivore or a herbivore or omnivore
The Warframe Wiki is officially moving from Fandom to!
I have now officially 100% BTD6. Every single map and co-op map fully black bordered, and every single achievement completed!!
Has anyone else not achieved lord for a character?
Lavos Prime, Dual Zoren Prime, Primed Syandana, Armor Set
macy, no 🤦♂️
Do you think I can defend this round?
What was the wildest “The Commons” moment you’ve ever encountered?
Which lord icon terrifies you when they are on the enemy team?
Why am I having such an awful time in quick play?
5K skin for a 5K hero?!!
What's your Marvel Rivals opinion that has you like this?
Looking for a complete list of Pals that work at night without a passive skill.
For a game called marvel RIVALS I'm surprised we have teamup abilities but not bonuses for when a nemesis is on the enemy team
What's one small quality of life update you'd like to see?
Chubby tigger
I have 7 rage filled buns. Please send help 😱
Lavos Prime teaser!
If all frames was available to all new players. What frames would you recommend?