Passing out
On mushrooms in a chicken suit…
Roast my list of possible initiatives for a Chief's interview
Dogs and 24 hour shifts
Does it count as medical advice if I’m asking for a fictional book?
Today’s thrifting find
Just got cleared as an EMT and people are already telling me to change careers
Ahs dissolving
(Alberta) Should I get experience as an EMR before going for PCP?
Should the bra be removed for defibrillation or CPR?
Drug testing for THC in Alberta, Canada
Can someone explain this?
Happy new year, ya filthy animals
Vaping in the Ambulance PSA
It's not thattttt bad
Can't stop beating myself up over failed intubation.
What is something you wish you were told before you went into this field?
RN to Paramedic (Alberta, Canada)
Starting off in Alberta
How long did you guys wait until you took your paramedic program?
im feeling a bit ashamed right about now
Is it because internal bleeding?
Dumb question, but what style jacket is he wearing?
“Um why are you using the wrong ambu bag?!?!”