Doom lines that go over the youngin's heads
Who is this man? (someone please help)
Rap collectives (duo or band) where one person is so much better than the others?
Name me a better 2 album run in hip hop
What’s the most emotional rap song to you?
Best Hip-Hop Group of the 90s?
My friends taking advantage of me and idk how to stop it
This and Batty Boys are the most underrated under appreciated songs on this album. By far
Which rap album in your opinion is overhated?
23F you can say what ever you want
Not sure of this a hot take or not (Both are still great tho)
DOOM was murdered, basically.
Hot take: dangerdoom is better than madvillain
be so real is my nose big, i can't tell
I'm going to destroy this subreddit
Js found out MF Doom and King Geedorah are the same person
Give it to me hard. Alcoholic fatty. Fatherless. Thanks. Trying to get sober give it to me. Idk how to write a caption ❤️
Late to the party
Free Mastering Service
23M fell off after graduation and still unemployed. Roast me so I can change for the new year 🙏💯
This 26 year old male is back for more, give me your worst!
Which album to start with?
Revolution of rap
Too old to initiate?
Hardest DOOM songs to remix