Albums you always found in the used cd section
It’s beyond annoying when you go into a record store and want to buy the record playing but it’s not for sale.
What is your favourite Gang Of Youths lyric and which song is it from?
Funniest things that technically qualifed as "white guy with acoustic guitar"?
What kind of unorthodox music biopic would you like to see next?
Most "I’m 14 and this is deep" song you've ever heard?
Biggest earworms?
The Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 2024
Just found this comment I put on a Todd video 2 years ago
17m Rate My Music Taste
What are some artists that were supposed to be the "next big thing" but never caught on?
Amy no longer taking part for the rest of the series
Worst list predictions?
I’ve ran out of Topster related questions to ask, basically just fill this post’s replies with anything you want RELATING TO THE TOPSTER
Worst aging trends in music since Todd started.
Got a friend who’s trying to get into The Misfits and just asked me a question I’m struggling to answer, help me out:
What are your first impressions of me based on this Topster?
Can I get some movie recommendations?
Sell me on a film with just a single frame.
Does Green Day’s UNO DOS TRÉ trilogy count as a TRAINWRECKORD
MEGATHREAD - Book of Bill / website cipher hunt
London’s most unintentionally funny bus stop
What would you say is the best gateway song from The Misfits
What’s a movie that you love, where everyone you’ve recommended it to hated it