Which one got you into Greek Mythology? We know it was one of em as a kid.
I’m quite disappointed with the way how the mass audience view the relationship between modern adaptations of Middle Earth and the source materials nowadays…
A comparative outline between 2010 Three Kingdoms and Rings of Power
What really happen between Morgoth and Tulkas
Any direct description about Morgoth’s power become weaker in The Silmarillion
Wulf son of Freca (Starshadeemilyart)
This year is the year of the snake. Wish everyone a happy snake year!
Pretty sure there were two GoT references in the movie. Did anyone else catch these?
Questions about the Valars’ gender
Was Wulf or the Dunlendings even aware or knew anything about the Orcs of Mordor?
Ungoliant just wants chicken nuggets
Do you need high GPA score to be admitted into a Master Degree?
Why is incest so common?
The life of Feanor Curufinwë in a nutshell
In the darkest of times, a little hope shines bright
Fingolfin should’ve been more open-minded when there are alternative ways to pass the Helcaraxë
What if Tolkien add darker themes into his books?
Who is this guy?
What your thoughts on the Critical Drinker?
Critical Drinker fans when they see a woman
My pitch for the next animated LOTR film, “The Lord of the Rings: The Battle of Dale”
Fight scenes in the Hobbit movies are absolutely terrible
If you could restore one of the fallen kingdoms of Middle-Earth to it‘s full glory which would you pick?
Strong female leads: what works and what doesn't
Animation is good but the writing just feels lazy.