Me ajude!
Achei essa gatinha no cemitério, já comprei vermífugo e spray pra sarna
Mamilo do meu cachorro ficou assim do nada.
alguém pode me ajudar? só percebemos essa feridinha agora
Dúvida 👍
Alguém sabe qual pode ser o motivo do meu gato estar calvo?
Who was your accidental pull that you fell in love with?
Me recomendem jogos!
44 Shots
44 shots.
HD externo desconectando
O controle sem fio desliga sozinho ao tentar conectar o console
Good morning! Initial Tips for the Game? Should I shoot the banners? Will I One Day Really Understand How The Issue Of Elements In This Game Works?
Wonderful Game! Incredible story, fun gameplay to play, man I'm sad because I finished lol, friends, my friends! What a game!
Hot on the trail bug - no inductor spawned (two ex-Monolith guys were saved earlier during the game)
Does anyone have the order of the bosses at Nine Sola? Thank you in advance, I'm new to games with this style of maps.
Alguém sabe me dizer pq acontece isso? (Xbox elite series 2 - core) #Xboxhelp