Spell to keep ex away
What is happening!! (Newer witch)
Imposter syndrome with Hecate
Any reason *not* to do a road opener during the blood moon eclipse?
Thoughts on doing spell work on people who wronged you from your past a long time ago?
Blood moon on Friday tips and tricks
Suggestions for banishing ghost attached to animal
I bought a jar of hot foot powder
concept of a spell i have
Need help deciphering flame color
How much of each ingredient for a protection spell jar?
Good Radiance / Protection Spell
Can confirm. Witches don’t need to chase.
BIrthday witchy goodness
Sister in law gave me the stink eye and now I’m cursed?
Witchcraft helped my autism
I hate my neighbors. What can I do?
Banishing an unknown stalker
Total nebwie, need help with money bowl
Tears of Rage for spell
Magick to deal with narcissistic family/ friends?
AITA for walking out on a guy because he was too stupid
Witchy tourism in Europe
If you're on the hunt for a smaller, lidded cast iron cauldron, try Jo-Ann's Fabrics.
Tomorrow is my birthday, is there anything I can do for that day?