What's the best (non permabrew) thing about the alchemist
Do bloon slow downs stack 100%?
Comprehensive tier list for CHIMPS by Path, version 47.x
Would this be worthy of True Expert map?
Welcome to the ___________, how was the fall?
CHIMPS Early Game Tier List
My honest reaction to this week’s Vortex
place towers on the battlefield day 1. read the rules at the bottom and say what each tram does
What's your insurance policy against surprise leaks?
How does one pull this off
Update on my previous post: With the help of 024 glue, first strike and 420 spaktory im able to beat r95/96/97/98/99 but now im stuck on r100 bad. Is the run dead, what do you guys think?
Made a new idea for monkey knowledge!
I was bored so i beat chimps with only teir 2 towers
what tower do you think is most overrated?
Bloons TD 6 v47.3 - Patch Notes!
Tournament of Tier 5's 60: Super Brittle vs Bloon Exclusion Zone
Tier 3 Tier List (Chimps)
Can this CHIMPS be saved?
#Ouch CHIMPS with Gwen and The Tack Zone
what difference does the moar glaves do from the tier before?
I love a good waste of, uh, *checks wiki* $45,000.
Before we had guides for BTD6 how were some players managed to beat an expert map in CHIMPS mode without guides?
Best way to deal with those crust Bloons in the Dreadbloon fight?
I fear nothing.
What do you think are the most underrated tier 5's?