Cersei at Ned's Execution
Send your favorite dbd memes
Name me a character u didn't think was gonna make it to the end when u first saw them
Tea is the ultimate replacement drink for drinking
Ben Starr is a national treasure
It aint hardcore when a conservative still lives inside your head
“i know who this is but i wish I didn’t”
What is your fuck everything song?
Distant Worlds VII now on Spotify
Hey again! Something we can all agree on about FF is that the OST is all-around fantastic. Thought it might be fun to do a series on it. For round 1, which FF has the best random encounter / standard battle theme? No repeats, any FF game.
I found a bartending job
I hope David Hayter hits it big in Hollywood so Kojima starts clout chasing him
Content creators ruin this game
Seems like it's time to bring this up again.
Undoubtedly THE best change that the show made to the comics because I still for the life of me CANNOT figure out what the actual hell Garth Ennis was trying to do here.
What's the WORST romance?
are disney gangs back?
I love RE 2 with all of my heart, but can we all agree that...
Clive & Jill
Wanted to start metal gear series from the beginning and asked chatGPT
Arrested Development is a better show than The Office
The fact Larry wasn’t kicked out of this speaks volumes
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
Just saw the new trailer for Silent Hill F. Potential new legendary costume for Cheryl?
Amazon Is Testing AI Dubbing — Will It Come for Anime?