Water and ice in engine bay - Troubles to come?
Shadow Intentions - can the unit be damaged by event / card ability?
Où iriez vous si vous pouviez choisir un restaurant?
What's your og deck you've got 18 different versions of?
Do I have to prevent damage with a shield token?
Whose build is this?!
Baseless speculation/prediction time!
So what are you guys playing just for fun?
Missing Karabast so badly :(
Updated Google Sheet Collections list?
Pro3 new chamber
Running into a TIME issue with countif
I’m bored. Let me draw your cats!
Trenitalia Strike , September 8-9
Trafic dans la grande région de Montréal: cette année «c’est fou raide»
= if formula, is a time period in between and other period
Travelling and keeping an engagement safe
What Characters Are You Most Excited To See In A Future Set?
Your take on Grand Inquisitor lists. Do you have any suggestions or tips to better play him as a Leader?
Finally getting the hang of this
Flair Arm Wobbly when assembled, base looks different from picture and the screws provided is of a different size (smaller and very loose) so its unable to permanently screw the arm to the base. Is this normal?
Grizl Geometry Stack and Reach seems wrong
Jogging avec un chien?
Timemore C3 vs Baratza Encore?
Options you regret taking/no taking ?