"Are you ok with me doing this, knowing you might die"
Making a WoF D&D Setting
Turtle vs. Anemone [W.I.P] (This is just Turtle and it's just a redraw of the ToP cover)
Does anyone else have white hairs?
Non-english wof fans: are the names translated as well?
I made a video compiling everything known about next update
My generation is so cooked 🙏😭
Oh, say can you seeeee?
Kobold blue is listening to cricket rant about her new book
The things I do for ppl to like me…
IceWings are actually the most peaceful tribe (+leaving the subreddit)
Do you have any tips on how to draw dragons
Cricket was next in line to become a kobold
Did some art of my sona and Sebastian ✨
What's honestly your favorite arc in the whole series of warrior cats?
As suggested by Dragon_tamer90 the next dragon to be koboldified was kinkajou!
Name him
What tribe does your name fit as a dragon name?
Qibli has gotten koboldified
Turned Turtle from wof into a kobold because yes
Saw a post about a cat sniper and could not resist myself
What’s the least threatening thing you could do that will still get urbanshade to execute you?
Another crossover.