Why does Anakin look 70 years old when he's 45 the moment he dies?
Why does Timothy Zahn seem to be the exception in terms of EU writers whose material was allowed to transition into the new canon?
HELP! I have found 3 of these in my kitchen cupboards... what are they?
What the hell happened? (20F 21F) TW self harm
AITA for eating my brother's cupcakes?
Trump supporters: what is a red line that, if crossed, would make you stop supporting Trump?
$10 million everytime you jump into a glass window with a "1% failure rate" on the 90th story. Acceptance requires a minimum of 10 attempts.
Lesbian + bi relationship ??
Honesty Hour ⏳
Can you tell I’m gay?
Is there femme girls that are into other femmes?
Jumping through a christmas tree netting contraption
How or did you come out to your entire families? (For people with big ones?)
Do lesbians/bi girls discriminate based on height?
Stop this a check point show me your pets
What are your hot takes on Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker
I made it: I'm a multi-millionaire and now life sucks
Where did the “straight male and lesbian best friend” trope come from?
I don't live in the U.S, but seeing this post being praised in the replies has truly made me sick. What a goddamn joke
I love my girl that's really it
Dating as an autistic lesbian
Dating someone new after heartbreak
howdy hoes! (respectfully)
Who is your current celebrity crush
thinking of going on dating apps again... CONVINCE ME NOT TO