Thoughts on the “greater love” slogan for Easter?
What has been the most healing/post-Mormon belief or realization you have experienced?
How can people hate Asexuals?
Jean Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation
Doctors reaching for riskier miscarriage treatment as a third woman dies under Texas’ abortion ban.
Joseph Smith received as “prophet, priest, and king” according to Joseph Smith Papers
PhD dissertation on Mormons and Nazis, publicly available
How it feels after my dissertation defense
After committing genocide against Indigenous peoples, the Mormon Church made for-profit victim trophies
So… I’m Intrigued
Mission President Handbook: visitor center sister missionaries are called "to advance the image of the Church"
Mission President Handbook states that visitor center sister missionaries are called “to advance the image of the Church”
Hitch moments that cracked you up?
Can I ask what the fuck a “sex favourable” ace is?
Pope destroys homes to hold a mass
New PhD dissertation on experiences of asexual people of color
Comic: Helen Learns About Polygamy
Missionary Masturbation - lol, but also genuinely curious
Documentary recommendations
Thoughts on Queer Platonic Relationships
Juneteenth 2024 - Jane Manning, eternally sealed to Joseph Smith as servant
Juneteenth 2024 — Jane Manning, eternally sealed to Joseph Smith as servant
Please help I’ve lost my daughter to baptists. Can you help?