What is this flag? (Wrong answers only)
rate my tier 1-2 loadout
Good joke faux ahaha....
Police station in Azores, Portugal
About damn time
Some of my tank desings (take some notes devs)
losercity ummm....
What do you think about adding Object 477 ,,Nota,,?
Is T84-120 and BTR-4E only one tanks that have custom sound of reload?
Yoooouu, someone noticed that they changed avatar of game?
We getting peak modern warfare now
They shld make dis
This is where the update time is going
Guess where I’m from based on how many European cities I know (I forgot Constantinople, sorry.)
I got Tunguska and combined it with this
Losercity propaganda at school
Whats the lore of a huge hole midl Zentralafrika?
Choose a letter to be born in
Make losercity great again
whats the best thing to get from the daily shop?