I'll give someone 5 bucks if they successfully guess what this is
What are the worst things to say right after sex?
What’s something gta 6 has to do no matter what?
Kan man la vær å ta ut pappa perm?
How do I get my wife to Accept the fact that we are vert different drivers.
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Night time in oslo.
People who wake up at 5am daily, why?
Starting my journey! What's one thing you wish you knew before starting?
Before minox. Gave it a clean shave and wish me luck!
Never tried it, but they said it had a smokey flavor. So i picked it up and will try it tonight!
What's not a drug but is so addictive that it could be classified as one?
How is your day going?
How can you compare an egg too a human period?
Got this one for christmas. Never tried the brand before is it any good?
Im at the road end here.
Swimming while pregnant
What are the wierdest things that made you cry?
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Is it okay to say no to working on you birthday?
Night time fun
18 hours to go.
always sleepy and tired (Recently)
Motor dies when rpm's drop