How Many Times Do You Need to Rinse, the Pesticide from Fruits & Vegetables
LO Caught Me Being A Creep
How do you make the decision?
Married and stuck in a cycle of guilt.
Terms used referring to someone who is trans?
Do you wish you’d just opened your marriage?
O Positive supplement caused major anxiety!
Green or hazel?
Which color is the best? Soft summer/autumn
How can I tell her after 6 years that I'm just tired.
Please Type Me!
My Ex-Husband Suddenly Wants Me Back… But I’ve Already Met Someone. What Would You Do?
Asked for a divorce - now confused
Do you think our LO’s know that we obsess over them?
Another Hating Your Partner Post….
Unsure about your season/colours? Grow out your natural hair (A silver lining for silver sisters)
If menopause is 'natural' why would evolution do this to us? To what advantage? And is this why perimenopause is ignored? Because we are expected to suffer bc it's 'natural' aging?
Remember Mono? Hormone fluctuations can cause EBV to return!
I feel like my life is over
Name change?
Wtaf is wrong with me.
My wife of 6 months wants to divorce.
Another “is this peri” question
Spring- but Green or brown??
Caught my first assault charge, has anyone successfully argued the "perimenopause defense?"