My level 90 Martial Arts Skeleton when he comes across a Holy Nation Chud
My house is definitely haunted. Any tips?
So screwly g killed boog and tink Accidentally 😭😭?
Are you cooked or Nah?
Seriously don’t get why this is even a debate
Do y'all agree with Mo P🤔
I can see MDFCs through my sleeves... is this legal?
Apparently there is a profanity counter, let's see yours!
None of you bitches can’t bite feelinnn like Young Nigga Micheal 🕺heeeeeeee
What do you want to see added to Siege X?
Not Chicago but this is the worst shooting I've seen (Caguas, Puerto Rico)
Kill 3 players in the pod then gain 29,998 life for 10WRRGG
As a big fan of Terminator 1 style apocalyptic future, I've added laser weapons into my wargame (Iron Frontier, roguelike card RTS)
Leaked Paragon Elites coming with Siege X
Demise of a beat cop
Revenge for all the hostages killed (on one random dude at gas station)
I wouldn't bet on this Hobbit to get the ring anywhere
D-rex and Rexy size comparison
How would a fantasy world pokemon anime be like?
Is there a way to turn off defending a point after capping it?
Why is everyone leaving the new game mode?
Which game has music that gives you this feeling?
Bro sounds like the wizard rap
Which online game comes to mind?
Has anyone else been playing the event and not been able to play as r6 yet?