This isn't new to Wilds, but it isn't just Hunters having more tools to deal with Monsters. Monsters have lost their tools for dealing with Hunters.
This has to be the worst cooking system in the series
Giving valid criticism of things you don't enjoy is a right thing to do, but knowing the history of the series we all know it will come down to this
Reviews are out
Monster Hunter Wilds Review Thread
Ngl, its kinda cool that the endgame in wilds can make all weapons equally viable even from the first monster
This sub always reaches its worst right before a new game comes out.
Just had a thought that I think is worth sharing: Lagi and/or Steve in a new trailer?
Quantity vs Quality (hope rant?)
Some of y'all really switched up fast, huh
How has this game not had a spear based weapon yet?
What is your in universe head canon for monster hunter?
(TLDR at the end) Crackpot theory about the final boss, shagaru magala, the frenzy virus, and the dragon torch.
Be helpful to new printer owners
I just want to say: Don't get your hopes up for the final monster count, keep your expectations in check.
what is your hyperfixation that could definitely land you in jail
What card do you think can genuinely come off the ban list at this point? Or at least be moved up?
Quick Reminder: There are no rules for Returning Monsters
The PC Requirement Problem Isn't About The Framerate Console Players!
Monster Hunter Wilds Official PC System Requirements
Where did all the mods go??
The hunter’s dilemma
Kulu ya ku is one of the best designed monsters in the whole series, what ate your favourite mechanical monster designs?
A lot of talk about what monsters we want in Wilds, what monsters DON’T we want?
You can instantly tell the age of a reddit commenter