Parties with duplicates of the same class; how did it go?
How do you make warlock patrons part of your games without putting too much focus on a single character?
What should a dungeon contain?
How do I make long DnD combats not so repetitive?
Final encounter was a complete bust. No idea how to continue
What amount of in-game lying do you generally consider acceptable?
The Tesla protests are working
How do I make a level 20 Wizard untouchable?
To listen to some of these people, the revolution will be played in 5e.
How easy is this puzzle to solve for you?
Guest DM Dilemma: How do I politely correct the official DM?
Ways to Let Your Players Interact with the Villain Without Killing Them Too Soon
When does a clicker game become a management game?
3d6 VS 2d10 VS 1d8+1d12
I've developed some lore and basic rules for my ttrpg. Let me know what you think.
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Fundamentals, learning and how not to be salty
Criticisms about the dice system I'm using?
Using previous playthrough knowledge in the plot
My players pointed out I made infinity stones
Thank you, DNDTuber! Now I don't feel bad about running off players with my surprise sex themed campaign
How do you keep players engaged mechanically when their character goes down during combat?
How do I make my players do exactly what I want without violating their agency?
How do you avoid getting derailed at your table?