How would a Libra man react to being pushed away or dumped?
Why are posts being deleted?
What does my bf need? It's confusing
Gemini Rising & Capricorn Venus, what fashion style should I be going for?
Did I invalidate my CPTSD bf's feelings?
Is anyone else super sick right now? or is it just me
Can depression make someone see their partner as needy all of the sudden?
Let's start some conversation. What's a great product that we love?
What will happen to my extended insurance if I sell my car?
Google keeps erasing a contact saved and replaces it with just a number
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
using Hs as a hurt tactic
[ON] What can I use as address if I can't use my home or a PO box?
J'ai entendu Riki, Saint-Jé, Shawi Beach, Trois-Ri et 'Sherby' (parmi les Anglos) - qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'autre comme surnoms pour les endroits au Québec?
So this happened today...
There's someone who seems to truly love me and care about me and I'm scared because it never happened to me
How do you use the cinnamon bun spread?!
PLEASE READ if you wish to post in this sub
Une artiste Québécoise qui rayonne sur Reddit!
The art style of Alex Demers
Si vous pouvez réouvrir un commerce qui a fermé à Montréal (et les environs), ça serait lequel?
Best way to withdraw for a Canadian?
I got BIG
Gimme your big 3 and I’ll roast you to oblivion
Here are the 7 I got Happy Hour I used pinhole method
Quel comportement vous énerve le plus sur la route?