[OC] I never liked Sylveon's pale blue eyes, so I made them black in a poor edit. Thoughts?
Donde puedo descargar episodios de anime con doblaje latino?
Ask Me to Draw Anything!
What's your favorite version of NEO? Personally I like the original 2011 release on the Nintendo DS the most.
When did Flip Phones lose relevance, and Smartphones (touchscreen) gain popularity in Japanese youth culture? 日本の若者文化において、折りたたみ式携帯電話が人気を失い、スマートフォン(タッチスクリーン)が人気を博したのはいつですか?
New Special Valentine's Day cards for NEO: TWEWY!
Attempted to make the worst possible Smash 6 roster. What's your thoughts?
My Dream Final Playable Roster
I'm not the only one that sees the similarities, right?
New Aura figure
[OC] Rindo invades 2007 TWEWY (Pixel Art)
With the announcement of the Switch 2's Mouse and bigger screen, what if we got the DS Combat system back, and....
Mock-up roster for the Avatar Fighting Game we were robbed of. Thoughts on the character roster and how they may play like?
What if TWEWY had a fighting game? The World Ends With You: Duel Remix! (not an actual playable game)
Rescue Capybara Carpi happy to have a feast at night!
Will cycling give me muscular legs or something? (I don't want that)
How common is breast growth without feeling any pain or discomfort?
How to stream FROM my Steam Deck TO my PC?
NEO Beat And Rhyme, They Look So Cute Together ^_^
Egg irl
Carpi doing her guard dog duty even in a rainy day! (she had shelter... she just chose not to get inside?)
15 years old Vs. 22 years old (2y HRT). I actually have life in my eyes now!