FOR THE LADIES: You’re supposed to switch to fresh underwear after your evening shower, right?
Unvaccinated at daycare
Is my handwriting legible?
i just found out my boyfriends parents didn’t know about my pregnancy for 8 months.
I have absolutely loved being pregnant 🥰
Baby head 99th percentile
PSA: eating everything bagels with everything seasoning might show up as opioid use on your drug screen
You really, really don't need everything.
How many weeks are you in your pregnancy?
NOT OOP: r/trueoffmychest: I looked at my wife yesterday and thought. "Why can't she just fucking stop sometimes?"
I lost it
My bf of 1 year never told me he had a baby momma and kid
I'm 15 and pregnant, getting an abortion next week. ama
Over my marriage 22F 42M
People say my blanket is “too bright for a baby” and black is “inappropriate.” I am not happy with it either-is it good enough to donate? It’s for a charity that gives blankets to babies in the NICU.
Bottle refuser or just needs practice?
From my due date group on Facebook
Mildly infuriated
Today I had the most inappropriate, violating, dismissive, condescending “care” ever by an MFM who has never met me before.
Wanted to be festive for St patty’s day. Are they as bad as I think?
What do hospitals generally have for postpartum perineal care? Do I pack Frida ice pads, foam, liners, etc. - or no?
Can’t forgive husband for asking for a paternity test.
Joonya Diapers for Newborn
feeling guilty for masturbating??