F23 Hi r/selfie! Here is my verification!
If you want to see more of me and have a chat, check out my brand new OnlyFans 💞
PSA: its INTENDED that you can not trade the new bloodstone infusion outside of the trading post
[I ate] creepy pancakes
I think somethings wrong with my training page
How to do sex positions where the male stands, besides a low bed?
The friend I introduced the game to gave me the cutest Quaggan hat <3
Giving away 4 legendaries (2nd attempt)
Update to the legendary giveaway
Giving away 4 legendaries
How to give away a legendary or an infusion on here?
My cat in his box
Divorce Metaphor
[Homemade] pumpkin soup on a sunny fall day
my attempt at teaching my cat to write
Do you feel it?
[Homemade] buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes
Ladies… why do you do this? Are y’all proud of this? If you’re not on the verge of financial desperation WHY must you sh*t in the dating pool even more? This is 90% of my matches.
[i ate] deep fried flying cod
When you addicted it's not so hard
I still have twitter haha
[I ate] Hot chocolate
TIL: Mousing over the fractal scales tab in LFG shows ur team member's personal scale
My cat Ash got into the garbage yesterday and was covered in maple syrup and picked up trash around the house
It’s fucking raw