Okay so. Same person who hated hey grace
And who’s ready for Malcom Todd tour?
yearbook quote
Who was your favorite artist/band before dom?
Bro. Earrings is to good😭
What do you think about this theory?
am i crazy?
Which Mac Miller Album should I start off with?
Chat what do I do here??? Do I fill it in or am I purchasing some shit?😭
Dom with Alex recently
What Tate McRae song is best for driving late at night?
Who is this(wrong answers only)
Who's that one actor/actress that everyone finds attractive but you don't?
What song do you personally dislike
What is your favourite Cherry Bomb Cover?
Songs that should have a dom verse
How the hell do yall take hey grace seriously?????
I think I have a problem.
What games do I play based off my avatar
What song are you picking?
What Olivia song is orange