What horror movies have unlived children?
This is why I hate animat (joke)
I feel like the views on these movies are a bit over exaggerated..
iron giant the best animated film of all time but ya'll not ready for that conversation
Is there a film you are the only one who thinks is overrated?
Suggest me some entertaining adrenaline rush movies of 2024?
Adult animation really is such a mixed bag like every now and then you'll get something really fun and unique like Helluva Boss but most of the time you'll get something annoying and trying too hard to be edgy like South Park why is this?
What is the funniest animated movie?
Which movie has the grossest aliens or monsters?
Flow is one of the worst animated movies I have ever seen!
GenZ Core
Whats a show you DON'T think is bad, but just can't get into?
Animation movie recommendations?
Anime movies that aren't just Studio Ghibli and Family Friendly affair
Is irreversible worth watching?
All-Time Oscars Day 1: What is the best animated feature film of all time?
A movie that’s so visually stunning you almost don’t care about the plot.
Movies with the vibe like "Flow" ?
Most brutal death/kill scene in a movie ?
Theory Herbert West Created the Substance
Extremely dark moments in a cartoon
Schaffr need to check out the tragedy of man
What is an emotional moment from animation that everyone sobs at but you are unmoved?
What’s a great horror film that doesn’t get talked about enough?
What film have you watched that has the least amount of members?