I'm so sorry about this
Lf DARKRAI EX Tf the picture
Lf 1 star garchomp
LF dialga
Looking for; Infernape ex #29, Darkrai #109, Bastiodon #114
LF Starmie Ex, Articuno Ex, Lucario one star
LF: Misty + Lt. Surge
LF: 2 Frogadier from Genetic Apex
Hehe, heheheheheh
Looking for top offering bottom (30 day & Can not fly 🚫✈️)
Lf: above ft: below
Cant fly looking for top offering bottom
LF TOP OFFERING BOTTOM (kyrem is registered shiny)
offering and looking for in the pictures
LF Luxio
Looking for shiny legends, shiny bg, Offering below
LF Marowak ex
Looking for regionals. Offering below + others.
How does this timer work?
Lf shiny origin Rot Dialga or shiny origin Palkia other ones i am looking for is in 1st pic ft below also interested in guaranteed lucky shiny moltres and others
Looking for below/ Offering Below. Registered trades preferably
LF/Offering: Want offers. Shiny Kyurem has white BG.
FT Images 1,2 LF image 3
Looking for Page 1, Offering Rest. Looking for legendaries with background. Also interested in lucky tinker trades. I have more to offer, please DM.
Looking for old shiny costumes/other shiny bgs, offering level 50 shiny Taipei kyurem with Glaciate and third move unlocked