You only truly liked THE OA , because you know your soul belongs to afterlife
Proud of Senator Jon Ossoff: "This was a huge mistake, correct?"
People are turning on trump
I was fired for taking photos of my grooms; what are your salon’s policies?
New Gilead map dropped!!!
How did you feel when your adult son or adult daughter chose not to have kids?
“Yes, bathe me, servant!”
Had a scammer message me and decided to have some fun with them
$170,000 spent on pretrial, my wife and family’s lives are ruined, 2 years of my life gone. We thought we could trust the police. W
The most intense episode of The Handmaid’s Tale in my opinion.
Is it bad that at 64 I just dont feel much like going anywhere much lately. I feel bad, and don't even feel like visiting family..
My body, your choice: Does a woman’s consent mean anything, anymore?
Do you want to be 99?
Poor verses Broke
American people, why aren't you more outraged?
Dog dye
It's not feminist to call each other 'sluts' and 'bitches'
Am I the only one who will forever hate Serena Joy no matter how much character development she gets?
I(F30) feel young, but my husband(M33) makes me feel ancient.
Trump on Tesla vandals: "I view these as terrorists.. when I look at those showrooms burning.. nothing like that happened on Jan 6th.. nobody was killed other than a very beautiful young woman, Ashli.. nobody was killed"
Junior Pet Stylist Certification Program
AITA for not letting my roommate take my food anymore?
My First Groom!