What are the Top 5 most powerful Commanders you played or played against? cEDH aside
Top 3 Decks?
Favorite Precon?
Most fun commander?
Most fun deck?
Underrated commanders?
Favorite commanders for FNM
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
Favorite Dimir commander?
How much removal should I run?
Favorite straightforward deck
Favorite matches outside America?
What are you building right now? Why?
Universe beyond wishlist?
Looking for a Fun Bracket 3 Commander Deck (~€100-150)
Commander theme?
Most played Commander?
Favorite decks for the playgroup?
Best stompy commanders?
JUMPSCARE or Miracle worker?
Favorite commander who surprised you?
What are your favorite commanders?
Urza or Guidelight
Favorite esper deck?