How to be less horny
How much weight should I add per rep? For example, if I need to hang with 10kg, do I start the session with 10kg right away, or is there a progression? Should I increase a fixed amount or use percentage-based steps until I reach the max weight?
Propaganda Cristiana en instagram
Rate my minimalist set up
Has anyone ever felt that goosebumps feeling could be linked to something spiritual?
El problema son tus creencias, no una métodologia inexistente llamada "adicción"
Nihilism is bs because in life there are many things that have no meaning and we still do them, like empty entertainment and addictions
Wish my brain understands it!
Help the game crashes when I launch it on steam (nvm I solved it)
Hey give this prompt to chatgpt
Nihilism is neither optimistic nor pessimistic
If life has no meaning... What do you do with your life then?
Why cant I put a pipe here? Its identical to the other side where I was able to do so.
Extruder turns alternately, wont spin and makes clicking sound
F360 keeps setting free orbit as default again and again
Is there any auto control feature for farms?
Am I the only one annoyed by the delay between waves in horde mode?
My solution: Quit sugar
Not touching this tank again
Aesthetics Poll
Bat hook .. but aiming and range is a bitch
Tell the truth
The Freedom Model for pmo Official Version free!