Hello ENTJs, I have a question for you! For you personally, what makes a good friend?
I know the US has made some…statements. Trudeau gave Trump a taste, but please take us. Please.
Out of these languages in the “Central Eurasian Studies” major, which is most possible 3-5hrs/day for 3 years?
Hope shes okay
I’m just a little confused? (Read description!)
Any gay or bi ENTJ males here?
Picking a language
What trauma do you link your addiction to?
What languages would you be learning if your choice were just determined by the languages you encounter on a regular basis in daily life?
Anyone ever heard Eurovision songs in public transport ?
What flags are mounted on the walls of this $9million house for sale in my area?
Learning Two Similar Languages Simultaneously?
Day 4 Of Getting Every County In America
Realizing (now) that my initial struggles in language learning was due to not understanding my NATIVE language
Please explain this to me like I’m a child, I know nothing about the topic & want to be safe! (Check description)
[OC] States Ranked by Support for Donald Trump
US States by Human Development Index (HDI) with Comparable Countries
Much of Western and Central Europe overlayed on the US --- the largest city in this area would be Boise.
A cool guide on 420☘️
When do you tell a prospective partner about your diagnosis?
How to sound like an actual Czech speaker?