I hate the fact that I need minimum of 7 hours sleep to function normally
I’m so close to 5 star mint I’m going to go insane if I don’t get it by tomorrow
Everyone else disconnected
Brought animal in?
Honest review of Villa Park Resort Sun Island
Most braindead clash blaster player
I am blaming myself for a stray cat's death
"I slept through the night! Like I do all the time"
Mila App Problems
A week in Maldives and first time seeing sun & blue sky today!
Stop dying so much!!!
Hard rain
Is it too late to start playing splatoon 3
What even happened to Julie's BPD/CPTSD?
Lactose intolerance ?
Another turf war moment
24 hr stay in istanbul. Spent it at IGA lounge.
Most infuriating match I've had
Turf war moment
this idiot kept super jumping to me in the middle of fights. obviously didn't learn anything because they KEPT DOING IT AND DYING EVERY TIME. the moron got us wiped out THREE TIMES
Gluten baking
Eggstra Work teammates are fucking idiots
Why are people like this