Can you believe she’s killed hundreds?
Toronto be like:
So... Is the Scorponok just a low poly version of the Skriton? Or is my game just coocoo bananas?
A horrifying realisation
As a new player, is this a thing? Do I have to stop buffing everyone because someone on the team can't handle speed?
Only 0.000001% Of Player Got This Item
I drew the "I must jonkle" meme EXACTLY like the original AI version. Now everyone can stop arguing.
Make it so sith assassins and jedi shadows can actually use a single bladed light saber
Drake the type of guy to have the button that destroy the world next to the button that makes him a fucking sandwich
The downgrade in level design from DS1/BB to DS3 needs to be studied.
There's being a sequel and then there's fanservice simulator
"I'm a souls veteran"
Imagine saying Dark Souls 3 is rushed (unedited, in game pics only)
You can tell exactly at which game TikTok got released
First movie you think of when you see the T-Rex from Jurassic Park?
My first tier XII!!
Today's language is: ___________
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
I need some explaining
Yui has been on a MVP run these past few months
We are so fucked.
Opinion: Crosshair’s Ramping Mechanic is Not Fun
a tweet that aged like milk