Three times today alone I have had somebody DC on ladder after getting hit with the Avalugg special turn 1. What sets or strategies make you want to throw in the towel early?
Legends ZA's battle system provides an interesting question: will a 'Mon's physical design possibly have gameplay ramifications for dodging and range? Better yet, will previously unreliable Moves escape RNG dependency at the cost of speed, range, or size? Which Moves could see the largest glowup?
shibuya japan
Spotted in Shibuya, Tokyo
And can't use a STAB attack
What is the most obscure interaction/tech/strat you know of?
Looking At Grass' Best Offensive Coverage Type
New to pokemon
Do Not Use Fall Seasonal Usage Stats
Pksm not loading Pokémon DS game save file
[9] didn't think shinies were possible on showdown
Never realized this but Brambleghast walls Tornadus-I in random battles.
What's the significance of this recurring motif?
What's your RLM origin story?
Unable to post, 8 days and counting
[PC][2000s?] Point-and-Click game where you solve puzzles and there's a ghost machine
Question: I’ve made 3 posts that register as live, but don’t appear on my page. How ca I fix this?
What's with accounts locking up?
Issue with posts
why did encore fail?
[3] My brother found his first ever full odds shiny (he caught it, dw)
Can't post or interact
The JOJOLands - Chapter 21
A BW OU retiree finds a home in VGC
Which fusion overseer and room do you prefer?
Sinistcha (technically) and Vileplume won Underrated Staller. Gen 9 OU Day 13- Who’s the GOAT Jack of all Trades Mon?