Am I a cheap S.O.B. for getting a unit without a sunroof?
Street Meat: I saw him.
Thanks for getting me that cash, I appreciate it.
Franks having a field day on Jon today lmao
Girl breaks her ankle on jons American Dude Lodge
“Leaked” production document (prior to S3)
Push ups.
Eliminating Wet Puck on Pro 2
Burt responds to Connors tweet
For a guy.
Flair classic valve stem cracked after 3200 shots
Burt in “African Psycho”
I’m the analysis guy. Ask me anything.
Scam or legit?
So we’re all just fine with the show not paying Burt?
New Flair Kettle announced
Jimmy O'Hara / Burt lore
They found Burts tutoring scam
Advice on picking a machine.
Would you opt to give up your $250 Trudeau Bucks to blast at our homelessness crisis?
Sam asking Burt if he lied about his IQ 🤣
Alex B (independently wealthy) discusses his finances
How much money does Alex's family have?
I was away for about 4 hours and Alex STILL has his fucking backpack on.
The original Famous House gaslighting ultimately led to this chaotic evening