Christine...Inanimate horror? Mechanics? Thoughts; please, and thank you
Who was your first Horror crush?
First watch, S4, and Bobby is Yes Daddy, do yall know what I'm saying?
A zombie apoclaypse set in medieval Europe would be a interesting plot
‘Southern Charm’ Fans Demand Justice For JT
What's the horror movie your friend who doesn't like horror loved?
Endings where the lesson is lost?
What's the horror movie that made you fall in love with Horror?
What horror video game deserves a film adaption? I'll go first:
should i grow back my hair?
What horror film/show depicts your favorite concepts of "hell?"
First time watching: Henry sucks
What’s your guys favorite episode?
Horror that felt inspirational?
Hey, Night owls...what's your go-to sleepy time horror?
If you could change one horror movie's ending, what would it be?
Favorite priest/ religiously anointed men or women, in horror? Regardless of what the religion is
Video Essay on Evolution of the Zombie Sub-Genre ("Horror 101: Dead But Not Buried")
I want to be scared
Made a bag for my wife, it was commandeered by my daughter.
I finally organized my lego/video game/action figure room
Hardware question
If your life was twisted into a horror movie, what subgenre would it be, and who would be the director?