I-iv- what??
What else should I get for my army?
Can’t finish crafting quest
Cops everywhere in town?
I really wish they’d stop with the generative AI stuff for their socials. It feels like a cheap way to save a buck when they have spoken so vehemently about supporting artists in the past.
The bubble that won’t die!
Something I made
i found some of amanita, how can i prepare them to have psychoactive
My First Go at some imperial fists
Having trouble with inlays and knifeless tape. How can I improve and get the two pieces joined looking seamless?
Are any wrap institutes worth it curious been wrap for a little now
Anyone recognise the molecule in a piece of art I bought?
Vynl question..
Would you be able to tell that this is an AI image if you didn't know?
Rubber Wheel for Removing Emblem Adhesive
RR24 state of the line.
Is this good? Is there something to modify?
How do I get to a professional Level?
Looking for feedback - 3D Printed Guitar Pick Keychain - Open to brutally honest opinions, is it shit or is it the shit -- Looking to give some free samples!
Is there a way to remove minor scratches?
Recycled swag
How do I get this off?
Not scheduled for two weeks straight. What should I do?
New to KGATLW, I love Flying Microtonal Banana, what albums should I listen to next?
If you had to give a first time player one tip/trick, what would it be?