Best multi day trails in England / Wales with accommodation on the route?
Where can I get the best Vegan Burger in London?
What is the best National Trail or Long Route that you’ve ever done / partially done?
Is Norfolk nice for walking?
Pull up work
Pulling movements / methods that CHANGED your body the most?
What have been the biggest lessons that you have learnt from climbing the MB?
Do you take an earth lead to metal back boxes when 2nd fixing sockets? (Not surface)
Do you take an earth lead to metal back boxes on your sockets? (Not surface)
Specialising as an electrician.
Podcast recommendations that are similar to Novara Media?
What is the yellow stuff in the pic?
How long is a “good” dead hang?
Weight vests - are they worth the investment?
Has anyone tried daily full body training? (For a long time)
Yes, Let’s . . .
Is there a general feeling of distaste for Aaron Bastani amongst Novara Media supporters?
What’s your favourite unconventional pull / chin up exercise?
Are there any unique benefits for doing false grip pull ups on rings?
Fender recommendations?
What grips are you all using?
You and me both Volk
200lb weighted dip
Push ups vs Dips - pick your favourite and tell us why?
CK vs Knipex vs ??