Melina not spawning in NG+
Invincible comics
[Discussion] What is your rarest Platinum Trophy? Mine is TLOU Remastered on PS4 at 0.3%... I was actually surprised this was mine.
[Discussion] Do I do GTA V?
[EA Sports FC 24] Platinum #20. Finally done with the game
Who is this?
It’s friday. Post your latest 4!
[South Park: The Fractured But Whole] My third plat of the year! What game do you recommend me to play next? I want something challenging.
[Discussion] Whats the lowest completion percentage you have on a game that you have the platinum for?
[GTA v] platinum.
David Lynch has Passed Away
[Discussion] which game from ur childhood do u wish had trophies? And if it had , would u have tried to platinum it??
[Other] What game are you guys currently trying to plat?
[Red Dead Redemption 2] My proudest platinum to date! Felt I had to post here as nobody in my real life would care what so ever
[Discussion] Do you get platinum for every game you play?
[Discussion] Hardest Platinum in your account
[Other] Is there any Platinum/games rewind on PlayStation?
I can't play Life is Strange: Before the Storm ep2 nor ep3 even though I have PS extra
Imagínate enfadarse con una tía que se inventó el mismo XDDD
No me jodas
Es muy bueno👍