The Funny thing is that in ww2.. Alsatian had fathers who served in the German army while their grandfathers served the in the French army..
What were the uses of spiked helmets for the old German armies
Friendly lines for new hero shooter and old class based shooter?
I would be open to this
Quess explains why Char wanting to drop giant rocks on Earth *totally* makes sense.
Fox 2
The absolute pinnacle of anthropomorphic character designs (imo)
Should I buy The Deluxe Edition? They discounted to the same price, The Deluxe Edition have issues #1-10 per book but the second have only 5, Also The Deluxe Edition have "Book #6" 2 times and missing #12-13.
Sometime ago I was made this edit.
losercity folk legend
Talk about Tank/Mech . (Slug Gunner - Metal Slug 5)
I wander why don't Federation just make something like this.
Do you have a moment to talk about Jesus?
Um...Zeon, I think u got infiltrated by a foreign element...
Bring forth the storm troopers
What the dogs doin?
Do you like hurting other people?
Thought on recent skin I created? MAC-10 | Chicken
Ever watched Wolf Island Master?
Firemen around the world