How much liquid savings/investments does the average SGrean have?
Results of the 96th TOPIK satisfaction
Would it be possible to pass the TOPIK 4 in three years?
Nobody else to share with; finally hit 100k NW at 31yo
Exit opportunities for Big 4 Change Management
MAD Lions KOI vs. GAM Esports / 2024 World Championship - Swiss Elimination Round / Post-Match Discussion
Feel like doing a 1-year mickey mouse master program at OxBridge
Grievances about parents
Second Major or Minor for business
In game 3 of TES vs SN at 16:03 in the game 369 has 148 farm vs 58 Bin's farm, 90 minions advantage. Is this the biggest outfarm in League of Legends competitive history? If not, what other player got more outfarmed by other player?
anyone knows when is SUSEP?? AND ISIT EASY TO GET IN? 🥺
broken family issue in SG?
ntu philosophy