Modern or old?
I’m building my first Battlecruiser.
Thoughts on the italian cruisers
Is she worth buying?
KMS Bismarck is DONE!!
Turtle guides: Damage Control Party
Is Tashkent better than Minsk?
Been doing some thinking and well, I fear I hit the end of the line almost.
Next Campaign
My beginners attempt at the solo of Dreadnought
[1600 x 1098] A peacock class corvette alongside escort carrier HMS Trumpeter in the arctic ice
President of Finland (wearing goggles) inspecting ski patrol on Finnish-Russian border fence
2.0.2 Mid March Patch out now
Name a more controversial song.
And Flourish to Finish...
What do you all think of my USS Alaska drawing?
Nível do jogo
Had to leave the poor yamato with just enough health for me to not get the devstrike :(
Man test : is this COOL?
Who the fuck is this young man? (Wrong answers only)
The best looking Tier 7 Ship?
48 seconds, can you beat that?
Russian BB appreciation post
😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔So real