What is this cartoon
Which design trope about female characters do you dislike the most?
What do you think is the most underrated avatar moment/quote?
Who else thinks Uma is a part of the LGBTQ community?
What is something you miss from older cartoons?
Give me an MLP song, I will rate that song out of 10
Do you believe in the phrase "you don't owe anyone anything"?
The A03 author curse has claimed my friend
what cartoon was this for you?
The Fire Nation would have won the war if Zuko and Sokka never went to the Boiling Rock
Why does this always happen?!
Let's play a game: the Loud parents only had 3 daughters instead 11 kids. Which sisters do you choose as the protagonists of this story?
derek won! who is a *universally beloved antagonist*?
Oceania AU
When did ignoring 'You're Overreacting!' actually pay off?
vanessa won! who is a *mostly disliked love interest*?
Popeye’s girlfriend, Olive Oyl, has won for O, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with P?
Filters are now racists?!
Give me a random cartoon to watch. Go.
Orel VS no God, now, which cartoon is about Man VS Technology
Name a cartoon episode/moment that made you feel like this:
Was just rewatching Dragon's Rising Ep. 12 and saw a nonbinary character:
How do you feel about the ending of Amphibia and how the trio drift apart do you like the life lesson from this
What fictional character made you realize you weren't straight?
Cassandra’s kids- future concept