How many cards do you generally pull?
Minha mãe vai passar o dia de amanhã no trono?
Estou errada por ter transado com outro pós término?
Dá pra usar o Grindr de forma segura?
I think I figured out what year the show is set in
Nunca senti nada com drogas
Who "the board" are, what they want and why they need blood donations, fertility/birthing centres and an underground severed floor.
What are some INTP generalizations that you disagree with?
It's all... connected...
2025 and I still can't get over this scene 🤣
Como dar um fora sem destruir o ego do pretendente?
Who is the hottest person on PLL?
My girlfriend made me watch this show and it was actually good?
What's your current obsession?
This show is downright hilarious
What are your weirdest hobbies?
Levei uma secada hj e ainda to processando oq aconteceu
its okay to not support things because of your religion
Por que tem tanto gay falando pra não namorar médico??
Can anyone identify the chess set seen in Tenniel's illustrations for Through The Looking Glass (1872)? Just want to know?
Can anyone identify the chess set seen in Tenniel's illustrations for Through The Looking Glass (1872)?
What colour do you like best for Alice’s dress?
What the hell were they on when coming up with the complete series cover 🅰️rt?!😭😭
Trying to solve Never Ending November
What was the whole deal with Cal being so important throughout?
What is your occupation and how much do you like it?