Chatterbox in Indianapolis..
Have any scorpio women here been with a Gemini man long term? What was that relationship like?
Do I look like a Scorpio ?
What do Scorpios like in someone that makes them obsess over someone?
We’ve been cleaning up this house very slowly, but I can’t decide what to do about the floors
Need recs for fridge removal
I really want to start supporting more local business. What are your favorites?
What is it like to live in or near Middletown ?
Is there an easy fix for this door?
Is there an easy cost effective fix for this door?
Idk if this is the right place for this, but I’m helping my dad renovate and idk what’s going on here
I really don’t want this house my dad inherited to just crumble away..
Trying to fix up my dad’s house (not being lived in yet) what is this
What do you think/ Que piensas?
Is this odd gun behavior worthy of a police report?
I Broke a Toe, Should I Risk Ice?
Doing good work, fight for human rights!
Protest ICE in indiana tomorrow!
Stinging nettle for raynauds treatment?
Government employee buyout and ai..
Chemical pregnancy a month ago, period is 4 days late..
I think I had a chemical pregnancy but my brain and body are saying otherwise