[3MadMan😎 ] Best stussy production on the market! Jeans/Shorts 🫡
Do you think the quality will be bad?
"Today I'm going to share my 6.5kg shopping share, including many of my recent purchases!"
New merch and new edition of album including 2024 and Backr00ms added to the site
Average Like Wheezy listening experience
W2C upcoming Graduation outfit
My 12kg Package Arrived
Still daily hoping for this snippet to be in any of his projects 😭
Possiamo finirla con sta storia che in palestra si fanno amici e si conosce futuri fidanzati?
This y'all when Carti finally drops another fit pic this Friday
Swamp Izzo twitter is fully decked out with IAMMUSIC
Perché se spengo la macchina lasciando i tergicristalli sollevati(nel senso che coprono il parabrezza), quando torno me li ritrovo all'infuori o comunque tutti scombinati?
Wtf is this color yolo gave me 💀
È normale avere 10 ore di lezioni/tirocinio quasi ogni giorno?
DYSTI will always be my favorite song oat
What travis opinion got you like
Am I balding? If so, should I shave or choose a certain hairstyle/cut? I'm 16
Dedicate la tesi a sè stessi. Che ne pensate?
W2C LV ties and scarf who to order from? staying in shanghai for some time i wanna order it to my place there
12KG Haul for review from EMB(Balenciaga,Chrome Hearts,Supreme...)
My friend recommended it HAUL (ESSENRIAL set, Ralph Lauren short sleeve, Denim Tears Hoodies, LV, socks)
Ralph lauren Haul📦
Broke NC
How long have you been NC? And have things improved?