I knew i wasn't crazy for thinking Emily was still around
Amber is live, live discussion thread?
Is it true…yomama is leaving gorlworld to go back to madden?
Just archiving, Amber claims she won against Zach for him not responding to her DMs (and her eventually blocking him for doing so)
Beck and Destiny
Now what type of fuckery is Chantal about to start and ditch 24 hours later, LOL.
Alexis responds to Amber calling her fat lol…thoughts?
Beck announces their premiere with Destiny - Tomorrow (or today if on east coast) at 12 noon!
Live updates summary of her livestreams
Livestream Live Update Thread!!
People pay her $10 a month (as much as Netflix or Hulu) to watch a ceiling or her text. Lol.
Her full lives are uploaded on twitter - for anyone tempted to join her memberships
Do you guys think Amber will spill more about Emily on her members only stream tonight? She put hashtag tipsylynn lol. Sounds like a set up to blame it on the alcohol.
This guy (Gorlic Bread) made such a big deal about FFG and Yaba fighting but him and Yomama won’t hop off each other. Lol. Now Gorlic is premiering a yo mama tea video.
Giving selfie and you're stupid vibes
Karina Kaboom posted that The Ankle received a privacy complaint, not from Amber. Does anyone know who it could be?
Casey’s weight loss - December 2023 snowflake interview (left), today from Instagram (right)
Just leaving this here in case any other reaction channels get accused of being ableist.
I think we should all give Amber a break
Grab your popcorn gorls. The collab we all have been waiting for.
Amber blocked Zachary Michael after Zach refused to respond to her DMs.
The Ankles shitty take on mental health.
Beck has officially hit 100k subs, making them eligible to request the beloved YouTube plaque.
This was such a good upload, snowflake returned from his hiatus to go over Ambers history of defaulting to abuse allegations (including now his from her) and reiterates how her story keeps changing of her past.