New Updated Membership Changes 2025
Help me find the game my 7 year old is obsessed with.
Learning Dutch alongside an English-language Masters
I applied for a software role at FedEx and was asked to take this bizarre personality test.
Layoff consultants running short of people to layoff so puts own consultants on notice.
I can accept monsters and magic, but I draw the lines at women who can fight. Also, wars are apparently caused by a lack of testosterone.
The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in different languages [OC]
Am I stupid to try this?
2 brilliant moves in a row
Sevens Rugby - Irish Pub
What are some things that are way overpriced in Belgium, but we pay for anyway?
This attrocity happened in Brussels today
People who still think Wikipedia is some completely unreliable source of information.
I guarantee most are conservative.
U/ThirdFloorNorth breaks down what feels just a little bit off with Mr Beast's content
What if during each recent European elction the political party in second line wins ? (map and discussion on the changes that could happen)
Tesla sues Sweden over postal strike: The electric carmaker has asked the courts to impose a fine of $96,000 if Sweden fails to ensure license plates for new cars
Things to say to a linguist if survival is not important to you
Student job
This SodaStream labelling
biggest game of the year 🤡
Anyone that says “centrists are as bad as/almost as bad as the far right are crazy and shouldn’t be trusted
Whats the best way to farm the bounty hunter ships